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//! Module `query` contains types and helpful abstractions to model Domain Queries
//! and implement Domain Query Handlers.
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::Future;
use crate::message;
/// A [Message][message::Message] carrying the Domain Query itself as payload
/// and other relevant information as metadata.
pub type Envelope<T> = message::Envelope<T>;
/// An Handler describes an implementation that is able to handle specific [Queries][Envelope].
/// The Handler evaluates the Domain Query and produces a **result**, here described
/// through the [Output][Handler::Output] associated type.
pub trait Handler<T>: Send + Sync
T: message::Message + Send + Sync,
/// The result type the Handler produces when evaluating a Query.
type Output: Send + Sync;
/// The error type returned by the Handler when Query evaluation fails.
type Error: Send + Sync;
/// Evaluates the [Query][Envelope] provided and returns a result type,
/// described by the [Output][Handler::Output] parameter.
/// # Errors
/// As the Handler can fail to evaluate the Query, an [Error][Handler::Error]
/// can be returned instead.
async fn handle(&self, query: Envelope<T>) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>;
impl<T, R, Err, F, Fut> Handler<T> for F
T: message::Message + Send + Sync + 'static,
R: Send + Sync,
Err: Send + Sync,
F: Send + Sync + Fn(Envelope<T>) -> Fut,
Fut: Send + Sync + Future<Output = Result<R, Err>>,
type Output = R;
type Error = Err;
async fn handle(&self, command: Envelope<T>) -> Result<R, Self::Error> {